Tamworth School Buses - See New Timetables below

Want to know what time you need to be at the bus stop? Have a look at our timetables to see when and where our daily shuttles, school buses and regular bus services are throughout the day. Alternatively, contact our office to talk to a staff member today.

Our school services operate in the Moore Creek /Daruka area, Limbri, New England Gully, Carroll Gap area with connecting services to Gunnedah.

Click on the following links to download your timetables:

Moore Creek

S222       Lobster Upper Moore Creak to Tamworth Schools
S223 Crab Moore Creek to Tamworth VIA Daruka RD
S224 Cheetah Moore Creek to Tamworth Schools VIA Stirling RD
S225 Whale Daruka to Tamworth Schools VIA Woonooka RD
S226 Deer Daruka to Tamworth Schools VIA Eloura RD
S227 Snail Flagstaff RD to Tamworth Schools VIA Forest RD
S228 Dinosaur Windmill DR to Tamworth Schools Via Forest RD
S230 Rat Davidson Lane to Tamworth Schools VIA Tregathen RD
S296 Lobster
Tamworth Public to Moore Creek Gardens and Windmill Downs
S297 Deer
Carthage St to Moore Creek Gardens Via Verdelho
S298 Goat 
Moore Creek to East Tamworth VIA Verdelho Dr


S216   Mulla Creek to Nemingha PS VIA Moonbi & Kootingal
S217        Limbri to Moonbi PS VIA Kootingal
New England Gully RD to Moonbi PS
S229      Eagle           Limbri to Tamworth Schools



Echo Hills VIA Port Stephen Cutting to Dungowan
Medica Park VIA Woolomin RD to Dungowan Public

Carroll Gap / Gunnedah

S231 Snake Carroll Rushes Creek RD to Tamworth Schools VIA Somerton
S232 Crocodile    Carroll Oxly HWY to Tamworth Schools VIA somerton

S234 Magpie Carroll Rushes Creek RD to somerton ( VIA Carinya PM)


Timbumburi to Timbumburi PS VIA Garoo
Duri to Duri PS VIA Kerrs RD

Bus Pass
Students with a current bus pass are not required to re-apply each year. Students’ passes will sent out the beginning of Term One.

To apply for free travel (buspass) for the first time, you can apply online at https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/home#/howToApply

If your child is changing their name, address, school or campus you can update their details at https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/#/updateDetails

Parents without internet access can contact Transport for NSW on 131500 for help with their application.

Term passes

If students are ineligible for free travel, a term pass can be purchased from Macphersons Coaches Please contact the office for a term pass form and prices.

School Bus Safety / Code of Conduct
Parents and carer can help with safety around the school by:
- Reading and explaining the Code of conduct to your child

- Supervising young children at the school bus stops.
- When the bus stops make sure your child does not run to the bus and the driver can see them.
- Remind your child to wear their seatbelts, (Most school buses will be fitted with seatbelts by 2019)
- Never drop off or meet your child on the opposite side of the road to the bus stop or call them across the road
- Always drop them off or meet them on the same side of the road as the bus stop
- Be on time when meeting your child
- Never attempt to cross in front of bus
- Wait for the bus to move away before trying to cross the road

Attention Motorists

School zones are now back in force. Reduced speed limits and additional demerit points apply.
- You must also slow down to 40km/h when bus lights flash.
- Lights flash on buses to warn motorists that buses are picking up and dropping off children.
- You must slow down to 40km/h when overtaking or passing a bus displaying flashing lights.

You can help keep children safe by:
- Sticking to the speed limit and following the road rules in school zones
- Slowing down to 40km/h when bus lights are flashing
- Looking out for children crossing the road near bus stops, in school zones or along bus routes
- Giving way to buses when they merge back into traffic.

More information here.

Where is my Bus?
transportme is proud to announce the release of the transportme Passenger app – available for free download on the Apple App store. The app will allow the public to track any bus operator contracting transportme. Track your passenger bus, school child’s bus and charter bus with transportme Passenger.

Travelling to where you need to go just got a lot easier with Transport Connect
Transport Connect is a central hub that gives you access to travel rewards and view contactless payment activity. By signing up and linking your Opal card, or your contactless credit or debit card, you automatically earn travel credit when you use On Demand services and connect with an Opal service.
Learn more

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